Wednesday 5 February 2014

National Weatherman's Day

National Weatherman's Day

When : Always February 5th
National Weatherman's Day honors weathermen, and woman who work hard to accurately predict the often fickle weather. Despite major technological advances and supercomputers, forecasting the weather is still a tricky, and ever changing business.
Knowing the weather is important in so many ways. It affect how we dress, where we go, and even if we go. Space launches are made or delayed depending upon the weather. And, knowing the weather can save lives. The most obvious example is knowing when and where hurricanes or tornados may hit.
According to the Air Force News, Weatherman's Day "commemorates the birth of John Jeffries, one of America's first weathermen". Jeffries was born on Feb 5, 1744. He kept weather records from 1774 to1816.
If you see a weatherman today, give them your appreciation for a job well done.

Flower of the Day: Cupid's Dart

Recipe of the Day: Fried Onion Rings


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