Monday 27 January 2014

Happy chocolate cake day

Chocolate Cake Day

When : Always January 27th
Chocolate Cake Day is a a chocolate lovers delight, and a day to eat cake. Why this a day to "bake your chocolate cake....and eat it, too!"
On this day, a white or yellow cake will not do. Nor, will part chocolate, part white suffice. It must be chocolate, all chocolate. You can make milk chocolate, dark chocolate, fudge, or any other type of chocolate cake.
The only reference to Chocolate Day on the Internet is from Ecard and calendar websites. This might lead you to conclude that this as a day for(and by) the Ecard companies. But, we know better. This day is for you, and all chocolate lovers.
There are three objectives of Chocolate Cake Day: To bake a chocolate cake. To decorate a chocolate cake. And, to eat a chocolate cake. Of course, if you are to busy to bake or decorate a cake, then just eating a chocolate cake will certainly do! 

Origin of Chocolate Cake Day:
Our extensive research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. Perhaps, it was baker. Perhaps, it was a food company. Most likely, it was a chocolate cake...eater!
If you have any information about this holiday, please email us.
Flower of the Day: Maiden Pinks
Recipe of the Day: Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Frosting

Saturday 25 January 2014

Robert Burns!!!

Hi and because this week has been full of burns celebrations we are going to do a post on him!!!
We are Scottish so that is why!
So firstly in school we hosted an assembly on Robert burns!!!
And that night we hosted a Keighley and Alix did the address to the haggis and Jennifer talked about the life of Burns!!!
Here are some facts about Robert Burns!!!-
The Scottish poet, Robert Burns was born on January 25, 1759 in the “auld cley biggin” that is now known as Burns Cottage. The day of his birth is celebrated today throughout the world as Burns Night, with Burns Suppers, poems and songs, and remembrance of Scotland’s National Bard. The celebrations go further than a simple appreciation of Burns poems and songs – great as they may be. Burns has come to be a symbol for Scotland and a global brand for the Scots themselves.
Here is a picture of Robert burns!!!
Thank you for reading!!!

Friday 17 January 2014

Happy Ditch New Years Resolutions Day

Ditch New Years Resolutions Day

When : Always January 17th
If there's a day to celebrate New Years and to make resolutions for the upcoming year, then there should be a day to ditch those resolutions. That's the reason for today.
If you haven't broken or given up all of those New Year's resolutions, you're doing better than most of us. Maybe, you're well along the way to accomplishing them. Maybe, a few are already checked off on your list. Good for you!
For many of us, New Years resolutions are hanging heavily over our heads. They have become a burden, and perhaps were not such a good idea after all.
Then...... of course, there's the Ne Years resolutions that have already been broken.
 If you haven't accomplished, broken, or given up your New Year's resolutions, today is your chance to get out from under them.

Origin of Ditch New Years Resolutions Day:
We found absolutely no information anywhere on the creator or origin of this day. Most likely, the originator made a New Year's resolution to document his day. But,..............
If you have any information about this holiday, please email us.

Flower of the Day: Avocado - grow them indoors!

Recipe of the Day: Herb Wine Sauce


Thursday 16 January 2014

Happy Nothing Day

Nothing Day

Date When Celebrated : Always January 16th
National Nothing Day is quite simply... a day for nothing.
This day is an "un-event". The expectation is that we do not create or otherwise promote this day. In other words, we do nothing. And, to say anything more would contradict the purpose of this day.
Celebrate this day by doing....nothing. Of course, that assumes that doing nothing is okay with your boss.

Origin of National Nothing Day:
All we know about this day, is that it was created in 1973 by newspaperman Harold Pullman Coffin.
Other than that, we understandably found nothing about this day.
There is no evidence to suggest that Nothing Day is truly a "national" day, which requires an act of congress.


Tuesday 14 January 2014

Thursday 9 January 2014


Alix gets really scared and freaked out whenever she hears any ghost or paranormal stories!!!
(Jennifer is braver!)
So she would just like to know if you believe in them!!!
So comment down bellow if you do or if you don't believe in them!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Happy old rock day

Old Rock Day

Date When Celebrated: Always January 7th
Old Rock Day is an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate old rocks and fossils. Perhaps you can start a rock collection. You can go out on a field trip in search of old fossils (the rock kind). Or, if you choose, you can just play with old rocks.
There are a lot of fun-filled, yet ill-defined, wild and wacky holidays. This is one of them. There is little information available on what this day was truly meant to mean. So, the interpretation and the means of celebration is left up to you.
By definition, fossils are old rocks. Jewelry stones are old rocks. And, coal is an old rock, too. You can celebrate any or all of these old rocks today.

Flower of the Day: Rock Cress
Today's Recipe: Creamy Cole Slaw

Origin of Old Rock Day:
Our research did not discover the originator, nor the reason for Old Rock Day. It's roots could be as old as a fossil.

by Jennifer

Sunday 5 January 2014

Ancient Egypt!

Hi and today we will be showing you some pictures from Ancient Egypt!!!

So lets get started!!!

Comment bellow what your favourite thing about Ancient Egypt is to get a shout out in our next post!!!

Happy National Bird Day and Happy Migratory Bird Day

National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5th 
International Migratory Bird Day observed on the second Saturday in May
People love birds. Bird watching is a favorite pastime of millions of people. It is the most popular of hobbies, and can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age. With this popularity, it comes as no surprise that there is more than one day established to recognize, appreciate, and enjoy birds. We suggest you celebrate all of these days.
Now, lets's help to take some of the confusion around a number of distinctly different "bird" days:
Bird Day is the oldest of the days set aside to recognize birds. According to the U.S. Library of Congress, Bird Day was first observed  on May 4, 1894. It was started by Charles Almanzo Babcock, superintendent of schools in Oil City, Pennsylvania. By 1910, Bird Day was widely celebrated, often in conjunction with Arbor Day. Bird Day and Arbor Day events are focused upon conservation training and awareness.
National Bird Day was established by bird activists. It calls upon people to recognize the plight of captive birds. It also draws attention to exploitation of birds in the U.S. pet industry. On this day, organizers suggest we reflect upon the conditions of birds held in captivity.
Note: Our research did not find any documentation that this is a "National" day, which requires an act of congress.
International Migratory Bird Day celebrates the incredible journey that migratory birds take each year. They travel thousands of miles between breeding grounds in North America, and their winter homes in Central and South America. Organizers say this is a day to both support, and to increase awareness of conservation efforts in support of migratory birds. They also suggest a field trip into a woods to look for and enjoy migrating birds.
On each of these Bird Days, we encourage you to take a few minutes to watch and observe birds, as well as to feed them.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Happy Trivia Day!!! And the flower of the day? and etc

Date When Celebrated: January 4th

Whether the roots of Trivia Day are deep....or whether this day was established by the Ecard dot coms is irrelevant. Trivia Day is a fun day. It is an opportunity for us to share those many little trinkets of knowledge. It doesn't matter how big or how trivial. Dazzle your friends and family with generous portions of trivia today!

Flower of the Day 
Butterfly Flower

Today's Recipe 
Candy Cane Cookies - use up leftover candy canes

By Jennifer

Thursday 2 January 2014

Shout out!!!

We got a shout out!!!
todays shout out goes to......
Agnes Logan
And she got here glorious shout out for liking us on facebook! (click here to do that)
If you do that you will get a shout out!!!
!!!so like us!!!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Guess what year it is now???
It is...
And that means loads more posts from your favourite blog.....
(this one......I hope)
so we hope you are looking forward to the year ahead!!!
So all that's left to say is......
Ps a good way to start the year would be to like us on facebook (click here)
Thank you for reading!